Ranger's Apprentice

John Flanagan

Ranger's Apprentice

During the holidays I read a series of books called „Ranger’s Apprentice”. It’s written by John Flanagan and has 18 parts so far. One book is around 300-350 pages long, but the plots are really engaging.

I recommend the series for when you have some free time cause reading books during school weeks (at least in my case) is very tiring. As said before, the plots are thrilling and dynamic but there is also no shortage of descriptions of places and characters. I’m sure „Ranger’s Apprentice” will be a nice try for the winter break.


polski tytuł serii: Zwiadowcy

Pierwsze pięć książek z serii znajdziecie w naszej bibliotece - zostały zakupione w ramach Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Czytelnictwa 2.0.

źródło zdjęcia: lubimyczytac.pl

Can’t hurt me

David Goggins

Can’t hurt me

The book is a combination of autobiography and personal development. David Goggins talks about the path he had to take to become the toughest man in the world. The author had to go through many problems – father’s violence, racism, health problems and many others. However, Goggins went through it all and became a Navy SEAL (special forces of the US NAVY) and now he wants to hand over his advice on how to be a human being to the best of your abilities.

In my opinion, this book can change the way of thinking of every person. Most people don’t realize what they can become through hard work and sacrifice. Goggins shows that we can turn all problems into our strengths if we turn down excuses and get rid of laziness. As Seneca said: We suffer more in our imagination than in reality.

Poleca: BF

polski tytuł: Nic mnie nie złamie

źródło zdjęcia: Amazon

więcej na: Amazon, lubimyczytać

The Silence of the Lambs

Thomas Harris

The Silence of the Lambs

The book is about Clarice Starling as she begins an internship with the FBI's Behavioral Section which deals with serial killers. Her first task is to meet Dr Hannibal Lecter, a mentally ill multiple murderer and cannibal who is a psychiatrist by profession.  The woman falls into his psychological trap but in return she receives a small portion of information about Buffalo Bill, a serial killer who terrorizes the United States by kidnapping, murdering and flaying young women...

In my opinion, the character of Dr Lecter is very engaging and interesting. The advice he gives Clarice Sterling is sophisticated and intriguing. The manner and description of Buffalo Bill's nurders are unique. The book is not only a great story but also makes the reader fall for psychological tricks...

poleca: O.K.

polski tytuł powieści: Milczenie owiec

źródło zdjęcia: google

więcej o książce: amazon.com, lubimyczytac.pl

The Glass Children

Kristina Ohlsson

The Glass Children

Billie is forced to leave the only home she’s ever known when her mother decides they should move to a new house in a small town. Musty furniture and odd belongings fill the old, dilapidated building, the ghostly remains of its previous tenants - including two small glass figures, one boy and one girl.

The neighbours and local community are hiding something, Billie can tell - a secret about the house, a secret of its past. Then Billie notices that the glass figures have moved when the house was empty. Soon after, a tiny handprint appears on a dusty table - the handprint of a small child. Billie is certain that they are being haunted. But her mother thinks Billie is making it up. With the help of her new friend Aladdin, Billie desperately tries to uncover the house’s dark, tragic history . . . leading her closer to the chilling truth. (from the publisher)

The book is absorbing from the very beginning. Its dark plot works on your imagination. You can feel good following the story and learning new secrets of the house together with the heroine. There are many moments that will keep you in suspense. The plot is not obvious and full of surprises. After reading the book, I wanted to immediately read the next part.

I recommend “The Glass Children” to everyone who likes dark stories. In addition, the book is not too long, so also perfect for those who are intimidated by thick volumes :)

Natalka Pas

polski tytuł książki: Szklane dzieci

źródło zdjęcia: lubimyczytac.pl

I'll Give You the Sun

Jandy Nelson

I'll Give You the Sun

The book depicts the story of two twins, Noah and Jude, who are practically inseparable. Unfortunately, at some point their bond weakens. Each of them faces new problems that they have to deal with on their own.

In this book, the author addresses important issues such as love, passion, self-discovery and family ties. The characters are very well created and each of them perceives the world differently. Surprising threads combine into a beautiful, charming story. The descriptions in this book are so wonderful that it feels as though it consists of images instead of pages with printed words. The novel is very humorous, involving, moving and well-written. I can recommend this book to everyone who likes beautiful stories full of life and surprising plots with a bit of mystery.

Julka Nałęcz

źródło zdjęcia: empik.com